Many private and public sector companies gathered last weekend for a two-day event to support one of the many charity events organized by the foundation “Osmeh na dar.”
The foundation Osmeh na dar was founded in 2006 by a group of students from the Faculty of Law. Today, it gathers students from other faculties, and many prominent athletes, journalists, actors and public persons who support the work of the organization.
The foundation organized a five-a-side football tournament “Osmeh za Bogdana” to raise money for a seven-year-old boy who suffers from a form of cerebral palsy. Bogdan Petrovic was first successfully operated in 2013. However, he needs to undergo two more surgeries in June this year.
One of the many strengths of our company culture is that we all understand and encourage humanitarian and charity work, so we didn’t miss a chance to participate in this two-day event. Moreover, given football is one of our favourite activities and the fact that we have been supporting similar sport charity events, we gladly took part in one such event.
The games were played at Hattrick sports centre in Novi Sad where, apart from our team (you can see our team below), 26 other teams took part in the tournament, helping to raise money for Bogdan’s operations. In a great atmosphere, the visitors enjoyed a professional-like football from all participants, because we all did our best to make this event very interesting. The event was more than successful, bringing visitors and supporters from many companies.
We were glad to see many IT companies supporting this event, some being already a part of the IT Soccer League we initiated.
The aim of the tournament – to raise money for his (expensive) operations – we altogether managed to accomplish, raising around 1000 euros. However, to fully cover the costs of the operation, Bogdan needs 4400 euros, thus, if you wish to donate or support in any way, visit the Foundation website for more information.