By now, we have seen many successful projects kicking off on crowd funding platforms. Some of those projects were great ideas aimed at improving our lives on different levels, some were just great ideas, and some were…well I could not honestly understand why such ideas were backed up.
When it comes to Kickstarter, I found it very interesting how on a certain level we can see what we need and what we think we need. It is great though that in this way people around the world can take part in shaping the future of IT industry, and also we can see what we prioritize, and in which way we (are) change (ing) the world.
It seems that we have started seriously thinking about going green in many ways. We have already seen the successful launch of Faraday bicycles, a beautifully designed vehicles build to give commuters a comfortable city bike, so perhaps this project inspired more people to think about e-vehicles, given that more similar products were launched and funded.

One of the great projects is Riide, another electric bike. The idea behind the project was to deliver a fast and light vehicle great for both work and play. The Riide reaches the speed of 20 mph, lasts for 25 miles on single charge (2 to 3 hours to charge), and with regenerative braking, it can simple transit from motor to pedalling. It is super light and that’s super great, as far as I am concerned. Though I am more into pedalling, I do believe that Riide is great for those who love pedalling but get tired easily, or for those who have a bad habit of always being late, it is a great bike-to-work vehicle.

Although I am not sure that we’ll be able to ride hoverboard any time soon, we can perhaps be satisfied with Onewheel electric skateboard. This is one awesome invention, that’s for sure, with up to 12 MPH speed, without gears, belts and chains, it can certainly bring the feeling of surfing or flying. And although it was not meant to be a commuting vehicle, it certainly became one. The project is already successfully funded, so we’ll see this awesome skateboard on our streets soon.

There is one thing I am sure we’ll never get bored with because apparently we need devices that will constantly remind us on the things we forget and help us find them. There is a new device called Bringrr, a car charger that shouts when we forget stuff. Back in 2010 Bringrr was launched to help us remember our phone, now it notifies us when we forget other important things. It has an object tagging system, that is BringTags, and a configuration app that you can adjust to remind you only about certain things on certain days. You can also use it outside your car, and find the things you misplaced.

Another successfully launched project is Vigo, a device for workaholics or students, or those who have problems staying alert, perhaps. It is a Bluetooth headset that warns users when they are getting tired or when they need to take a break. It uses an infrared sensor and algorithm to track body movements and patterns in your blinks to assess your alertness. With different alerts such as vibration, a song, or blinking LED, the device will also give you recommendations on what you need to do to get your energy level back on track. It is a great device for drivers and driving and other situations in which dozing off can be dangerous.

Sammy Screamer is a device aimed to help you keep your staff safe. It is a motion alarm, paired with smartphone and an app you can put everywhere, on your bag, door, and fridge. If a device detects motion, it will alert you via smartphone or scream. This is not the first device aimed at protecting our stuff (though it can be very useful for parenting as well), but this one is already getting many positive reviews.

New drone is on the market, and this one is an awesome personal flying robot. The project will end in March, but it has already captured our minds, it seems. This new drone is able to capture amazing photos and videos from the sky, and whether a professional or an amateur, no one can stay indifferent to this thought. The Pocket Drone is a great flying robot with quality camera, and small enough to fit into cargo pants pocket. This drone is probably the one everyone would want to have.

The truth is that we need many more things, however, not many of those projects that are currently being funded I find useful, necessary, or important (but I did not mention all of projects I find useful). What we can conclude is that we apparently need more devices to remind us not to forget things, more electronic vehicles, and more controlling devices (at least at this moment).
So, is this year going to be about drones, or wearables, or controlling devices, or video games, or? I am not sure anyone can predict. I am sure though that we should think more carefully about the things we need.