Charity IT Relay Race: Make The World A Better Place

Charity IT Relay Race: Make The World A Better Place

Wednesday, 15 March, 2017 Updated on Thursday, 12 August, 2021 by Eton Digital team

“The race for children’s smile” was a slogan for the 4th Charity IT Relay Race in Sremska Kamenica.

Around 700 running enthusiasts gathered to support the charity event raising around 3K euros to help children without parental care in the Children’s Village.

The park in Sremska Kamenica welcomed 23 IT companies from Belgrade and Novi Sad. The event was a huge success given the mildly cold and rainy weather.

ED Teams getting ready for the race
ED Teams getting ready for the race

The relay race was amazing and intense as it was coming to an end. The atmosphere was exciting and joyful as we all understood what the real purpose of being in that place at that time was:

It’s not about winning, but rather about supporting those who need help and bringing a smile to someone’s face.

We gathered to promote the healthy lifestyle, to have fun, and simply to .. run. We gathered to bring change.

As Grahak Cunningham explained:

Running strips life back to the bare essentials. When we challenge ourselves, it breaks down barriers. It brings us back to our essence and peels away the layers of ego we surround ourselves with. Many a grown man or woman will cry during or when finishing a marathon: long regarded as the ultimate achievement in the running world.

Many a grown man or woman will cry during or when finishing a marathon: long regarded as the ultimate achievement in the running world.

Emotions flow freely, the struggle is obvious and most of the competition is with yourself.

Charity IT Relay Race - ED Team Representatives
ED Team Representatives

We were very happy to be part of this event. Our three teams performed very well, and we made it to the top 25 teams out of 71.

Every runner received a Certificate of Appreciation and a medal.

Running Makes The World A Better Place
Eton Digital Teams with medals

The event attracted many who wanted to support the event in different ways, not only through participating in the race. Apart from supporting it financially, toys and goods were also donated.

Thank you to everybody who participated! See you next year 🙂

And keep running!

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